Surviving at the Legislature among carnivores

Jan. 20, 2006 12:00 AM

But what is the trans fat level? During a session on eminent domain hosted by the Goldwater Institute, a citizen rose to complain about government takings of private land. The problem with giving government this power, he said, is that all takings look good. Sort of like Marty, the lion in the movie Madgascar, whose friends all start looking like steaks once he gets a little hungry. So how, he asked, can we train government to not see everything as a steak and stick to a vegetarian diet?

Rep. Krysten Sinema, D-Phoenix, jumped to answer that question.

"You asked the right question," she said. "I am a vegetarian. A vegan, in fact."

The rest of her answer, Insider is sad to report, was lost as we pondered how this meat-deprived Democrat survives while surrounded by red-meat Republicans.

- Mary Jo Pitzl

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