While the supporters of the Phoenix Bonds have lied and said they are not new taxes Jessica Catlin, on of those supporters more or less admits they are new taxes when she says "The truth is, by financing and beginning these projects now, we'll actually be paying less than if we saved up for some day when we could afford to get started."

Also thanks to Jeff Greenspan who has almost daily gotten his name into the Republic in his support against these stupid new bonds that will waste almost a billion dollars if they are passed.


Bond foes are using fuzzy math

Feb. 23, 2006 12:00 AM

Opponents of the 2006 Phoenix bond program, such as Jeff Greenspan on Monday's op-ed page, who suggest we can wait for these much-needed improvements while Phoenix is growing at a breathtaking rate, are naive ("Proposition 1: The Phoenix bond issue").

The opponents who go one step further and suggest our police and fire services are asking for more than they need are insulting.

As a member of the Phoenix Bond Committee and its Fire and Homeland Security Subcommittee, I joined hundreds of other citizens in prioritizing vital improvement projects that our city needs now, not five or 10 years from now. The truth is, by financing and beginning these projects now, we'll actually be paying less than if we saved up for some day when we could afford to get started.

Opponents of the bond program are using fuzzy math and economic jargon to scare voters into rejecting the seven bonds in the upcoming election. But, as countless community leaders from across the city agree, the fiscally responsible thing to do for our city's future is to vote "yes" on all seven bonds.

Jessica Catlin Phoenix, Arizona

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