arizona clean elections - free pork for professional politicians - 50 parties in 50 hours - damn this sounds like something those two wanna be libertarians in tempe would put on - but its being put on by gov janet napolitano

'50 Parties in 50 Hours' for election cash

Mar. 7, 2006 12:00 AM

$5 Fiesta . . . Taking a page out of Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan's book, Democratic Gov. Janet Napolitano is ready to party like a rock star.

We're talking a marathon weekend of soirees. All day and all night.

That's right. On her swank, spiffy, all-bells-and-whistles-all-the-time new campaign Web site, she promises to do "50 Parties in 50 Hours."

Let's discuss.

Napolitano, like everyone running for governor, needs to collect about $5,000 in $5 checks to receive more than $1 million in public funds.

And she wants to do it superfast. It's all part of the Clean Elections world. The fiestas, according to her Web site, kick off at 9 a.m. March 25. The long list of house parties is being compiled as we speak. Inquiring minds also want to know what is proper attire for a $5 party, but maybe that will be posted on her Web site in the coming days.

In 2002, then-Attorney General Napolitano took about three months to collect her necessary $5 goodies. Her campaign team did that in a less festive way by going to political events and combing union halls where folks like firefighters and state employees hang out.

- Chip Scutari

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