who owns your kids - the government!


Mesa district toughens parent visit policy By Blake Herzog, Tribune March 8, 2006

The Mesa school board approved a campus visitor policy that gives principals and teachers new authority to restrict parental visits to their childrens classrooms, over the objections of one member.

Lynn Burnham of the Mesa Unified School District governing board abstained from voting on the policy change, saying it might make parents feel theyre not wanted on campus.

The other four members backed the new policy, saying it isnt very different from current procedure at most schools, and safeguards are needed to protect children from parents trying to snatch their children in a custodial dispute, or otherwise cause harm.

Board member Richard Crandall said, We tend to look at ourselves through rose-colored glasses as a parent, and assume that everyone who wants to go into a classroom and help out does so with the sole purpose of advancing the educational process.

The board policy on campus visits now requires all visitors to check in at the front office and wait until getting the principals permission to enter campus.

Parents of students are addressed separately in the policys second paragraph, which begins, Parents are encouraged to visit their childs classroom and schools. However, the date, time and frequency of visits to a classroom are subject to the approval of the teacher and principal.

Burnham objected to the tone of that second sentence, worried that some parents might feel they werent welcome at their childs school: Is that what its saying, is that what we want to be?

Other East Valley school districts have more lenient official policies on parental visits. Scottsdales is the most similar to Mesas, requiring parents to notify schools in advance of a visit, but not specifying principals and teachers can limit when or how often they come.

Contact Blake Herzog by email, or phone (480) 898-6816

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