Valley residents rally for peace By Art Matori, Tribune March 19, 2006

After vigils held Friday, a crowd of protesters marched Saturday through downtown Phoenix to mark the third anniversary of the Iraq war. It was a pretty varied crowd, said End the War coordinator Herb Rubin. He estimated more than 200 people turned out for the march and rally on Saturday.

I think spirited would be an appropriate term to describe them, Rubin said. Even though most people dont have the determination to come out for something like this, I think the march really represents public opinion.

Protesters chanted phrases such as: Bush lies, soldiers die.

They wet their feet in pans of liquid resembling blood outside the military induction center in downtown Phoenix. They then walked from the center, leaving crimson footprints, claiming, The blood trail starts here.

Eleanor Eisenberg, former director of the Arizona chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, spoke at the U.S. Attorneys Office on First Avenue and Adams Street in downtown Phoenix.

And Carol McKinna, whose son and daughter are scheduled to return soon from Iraq, spoke to protesters outside the federal courthouse.

Contact Art Matori by email, or phone (480) 898-6514

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