patriot act used to bypass getting search warrent in run away child case

in this months may 2006 issue of popular mechanics in an article titled "the digital detectives" (page 84) they talked about a case of a run away child where the cops used section 212 of the patriot act to force yahoo to give them the IP address of one of its customers that they though was involved in the run away child case (pages 87 and 134).

i guess they lied to us when they told us the patriot act was needed to protect us from terrorists. they are going to use it on everything they can from run away children to jaywalkers.

of course this was one of those cases that government goons and the media always use to make you cry for the sake of the children and then ask you to flush the constitution down the toilet to save the little kids. in this case the child had run away to hook up with a sadomachist creep who probably would have done really bad things to her. the child was found handcuffed in the guys home.

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