they didnt ask us libertarians and tax haters

Showcase transit center worth extra costs

May. 4, 2006 12:00 AM

It's rarely pleasing to hear a city construction project is going to cost millions more than originally planned.

Knowing that taxpayer money is involved, the temptation is to cut out the bells and whistles and just build a barebones building.

But Tempe should not do that with its downtown transportation center.

The City Council will discuss the $18.9 million light-rail stop and bus station at tonight's Issue Review Session. Because of increased construction costs, the focal-point project is now expected to cost about $4 million more than originally planned.

The site does have lots of bells and whistles. There will be a shaded courtyard and a transit plaza, as well as a three-story, angular-looking building that will be the home of the city's transit offices.

The ground floor will have retail space and a place to repair and park bikes. The second floor will have a community meeting room. The third floor will have some office space for rent.

On top of all that, the building's design is environmentally certified to use less energy, conserve more water and utilize recycled materials. It includes plants that will grow on the roof to keep the building cool and break up the urban heat-island effect.

Pretty swanky, huh?

Yes. But, as we said, this center is a focal point. It will be just west of Sun Devil Stadium, at the base of Hayden Butte.

This is the place where many out-of-town visitors will pass through to go to a game or downtown activity. It will also serve as a hub for locals, where people riding light rail can get off and pick up a bus or ride their bike around town.

Simply put, this transit center is an important building that makes an important statement to future builders in Tempe. It demonstrates how good design can diminish energy costs and bring shoppers, workers and travelers together.

Skimping on that plan just wouldn't be right, especially if the city believes it has collected enough money from its transportation tax to bear the extra costs.

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