Nation's 'other war' is mistreating citizens

Dec. 18, 2005 12:00 AM

Welcome to the war, cold sufferers.

Welcome to a reality where politicians, not you or your doctor, make medical decisions for you and your family.

Welcome to an America where everybody's a suspect, presumed guilty until proven innocent, and the many are routinely penalized for the misdeeds of the few.

Welcome to the most powerful country in the world, whose leaders have nothing better to do than dictate the lifestyles of private citizens.

Welcome to a country whose leaders refuse to learn from history or to admit their own mistakes.

Welcome to a nation whose government spends more than $18 billion every year waging war against its own citizens, despite overwhelming evidence that the war is a dismal failure.

Welcome to the American drug war.

Rita Stricker Chino Valley, Arizona

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