Best wishes for 2006, Americans

Dec. 26, 2005 12:00 AM

My 2006 wish list for Americans:

1.Americans receive the same health insurance benefits as the House and Senate.

2.Americans receive the same pension benefits as the House and Senate.

3.The house,Senate and the administration have to abide by the same laws as all Americans.

4.Instead of cutting programs that help the most people, cut pork programs that benefit only the wealthiest 2 percent.

I think most of us would be extremely pleased to receive No. 1, just as a start.

Phyl Fisher Chandler, Arizona

Even if he is a socialist he has a few good points. And he forget to demand that Americans should demand to be paid the same $158,100 salary congressmen and senators get while they are micromanaging our lives and stealing our money!

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